Monday, September 24, 2007

Mums, Moms, and the Terrible Twos...

Hey "y'all!" as they say down here. Just a quick update and then I'm going to lie down...
My mom is still here and we're painting fools! We have quite the routine going with the girls... painting during naptime or after they go to bed at night. It's so much easier to paint with someone else who enjoys it! (At least I think my mom does anyway)!
We've painted the guest bathroom, the master bedroom, and now we're painting the living room/foyer area. It makes this base house feel so much "homier!"
We're also getting in the spirit of autumn and have added lots of color to the garden out front with an assortment of mums! I love 'em!
Still haven't heard from Chris- no news is good news these days- but he should be finishing up his course at the end of this week and be heading home hopefully by Sunday!
Taylor and Emily are both doing great. Although Taylor has definitely peaked at the terrible twos. I feel like all I do all day long is threaten and cajole her into obeying me! ARGH! Parenthood!
At least we have nicer temps so we're outside alot more. Praise the Lord for fresh air and playgrounds!
Gotta go rest before the little ones wake-up...

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